Sunday, May 21, 2017

Thing 2 : Photo Fun

photos posted on PixaBay: Silvia & Frank  •  Eschweiler-Engelskirchen/Deutschland

There are some people that either have a natural talent for this or lots of time to fiddle around with the tools necessary to create masterpieces out of photos. I am not one of them. This exercise reminded me of what it was like to first use a computer or learn how to use Publisher or PowerPoint. It may become intuitive after a few more(or many more) attempts but right now it is just frustrating. I'm going to give it a try in the library though, as I'm sure the kids can teach me how to do this in a heartbeat!


  1. Pretty lilacs. Could you explain how you created the images & movie? What tools did you use?

  2. I chose lilacs because Rochester just wrapped up our world famous Lilac Festival. I used iPhoto to play around with the contrast and design of the original picture. We are severely limited with technology is our building so I used PowerPoint(which all our library computers have). I inserted the various lilac photos on individual slides then recorded the slideshow and saved it as a movie.

  3. Rochester Lilac Festival
